Casa de Espirutualidad Collage Inicio

Who we are

The Santo Domingo House of Spirituality is a privileged space for seeking and encountering God, oneself, others, and nature. Located in the charming village of Caleruega, in the province of Burgos, this spiritual retreat offers an unparalleled environment that invites tranquility, prayer, and reflection. Our facilities and activities are designed to welcome individuals, communities, and groups seeking a refuge of peace and fraternity.

Situated in the historic Convent of Santo Domingo, the Santo Domingo House of Spirituality is led by the friars of the Hispania Province. Alongside the neighboring Monastery of the Dominican Mothers, our house keeps alive the memory of Saint Dominic of Guzmán, founder of the Order of Preachers (Dominican Sisters and Friars). This saint was born and spent his early years in this beautiful village, which is ranked among the most picturesque in Spain.

At the Santo Domingo House of Spirituality, you will find an environment conducive to meditation, spiritual growth, and fraternity. Our facilities include prayer spaces, meeting rooms, and relaxation areas, all surrounded by the natural beauty of Caleruega. The community of friars and the management team of the house are dedicated to the mission of welcoming every visitor or guest. Come and discover the spiritual and cultural richness of Caleruega, and allow the peace and beauty of this place to inspire you in your journey towards God and self-discovery. We look forward to welcoming you!